Özdemir’s curiosity for music started from an early age. He received his first composition and piano lessons from Faris Akarsu while already pursuing an undergraduate in Business Management. Deciding to continue on music, he finished composition master with Fernando Benadon, Mark Wingate and İlhan Usmanbaş at MIAM - Istanbul Technical University. His curiosity led him towards his DMA, studying composition with Kamran İnce at the University of Memphis, USA.
Özdemir`s music has been performed in 6 continents. He is also honoured to have received awards for his compositions from USA, UK, Greece, Sweden and Turkey.
He extends his curiosity towards Algorithmic composition and further development of Tritonet, while occasionally have a chance to improvise with friends.
As a proud husband and father, he currently teaches music at Istanbul Bilgi University’s Music Department.